September Events
6:30 PM Officer’s Meeting
6:30 PM Rosary
7:15 PM General Membership Meeting
7:00 PM Msgr Van Dyke Assembly 483 Membership Meeting
SPECIAL EVENT: Come See Us under the BEER TENT at the Centerline Beer Fest
(Memorial Park 12-noon to 9 PM)
SPECIAL EVENT: Singing Nuns Comedy Show
Join us at the KoC Hall: 7400 Bernice
(behind the Crest Ford)
Tickets are available at the Hall or Call Tom Platt 248-242-0291 or Nancy Platt 248-242-1169
German Dinner ($15 Plate)
2:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Call for Carry Out Order: (586) 757-2626
October Events
SPECIAL EVENT: 1st Annual Jim Reid Memorial Golf Outing
Join us at Maple Lane Golf Club @ 9:00 AM
18 holes of Golf w/ cart, Continental Breakfast, Beef Dinner,
Lunch @ Turn, 4 drink tickets on course, Raffle prizes,
Competition Hole, 50/50 Drawing, Closest to Pin,
Longest Drive, Mulligans, Skins
Contact: George Borst @586-530-3901
Pete Harenski @586-246-3447 or KofC Office @586-757-2626